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A Glimpse Into Arkwright

We are Guardians of skills and knowledge. History, Outdoor Skills, and Science meet when a second grade student digs a pit, lights and manages a fire, and uses the ancient recipe for terra preta in order to grow bigger, tastier pumpkins and sunflowers.

We are Guardians of our friends and "neigh-bors." We practice how to lead by example, empathy, and respect.

Each student's garden plot is more than just a bunch of dirt. Growing food gives students a great sense of real accomplishment and well-being, helps establish healthy habits and builds in them a special connection to the earth.

Strength of limb and of character develop when we practice perseverance.

Good friends are hard to come by. At Arkwright, students find their tribe. Guardians encourage one another to excellence and form close bonds while achieving hard things.

We are Guardians of our community. Hands on science experiments in an a-la-carte homeschool class provides support and fellowship for local families.

We intentionally keep class sizes small to ensure that each student gets a chance to contribute and to form strong relationships.

We are Guardians of true courage - doing what is right, even when it is hard or scary. Doing new hard things on a regular basis correlates with confidence and resilience, like when this third grader learned to paddle her own kayak on an open river.
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