2024-2025 Academic Courses
Students of the appropriate level may join any or all offered a-la-carte homeschool classes. Not sure of your child's level? Please contact us so that we can determine if a class would or would not be a good fit.
Is there a class or a club missing that you dearly wish was listed?
Click here and let us know! No promises, but we can try.
Each course being offered is listed below, along with a short description.
Upper Grades

Narnia Book Club
(geared toward 6th-8th)
Dr. Brian Melton
Join other adventurers on a fun reading path through the Chronicles of Narnia! The club will read through all seven of the Chronicles of Narnia books over the course of the year and meet weekly to discuss insights and to learn more about C. S. Lewis and his ideas. Each meeting is 2 hours and members will take turns bringing snacks.
Minimum number: 4
Maximum number: 24
Meets for 120 minutes,
once per week,
for 30 weeks.
Wednesdays, 3PM-5PM
No Cost - Donations Appreciated
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American History
(10th-12th Suggested)
Dr. Brian Melton
This course will cover the history of the United States from the pre-Columbian people through the early 2000s. The course will consistently use the Biblical worldview as the lens through which to evaluate and understand American history. The course will incorporate AP U.S. History testing and study materials in order to prepare students to take the APUSH exam upon completion.
Minimum number of students: 8
Maximum number of students: 24
Meets for 90 minutes,
twice per week,
for 30 weeks.
*graded tests & assignments*
T/TH 10-11:30AM
$855 (payable as $85.50/mo.
over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $100 discount!)
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Bards (6th-8th)
English Language Arts
Mrs. Kami Melton
"Don't be a poser, be a proser!"
English Composition - Continue practicing the skills of written communication, telling compelling stories, and writing catchy lyrics/poetry. (Utilizes
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Structure and Style Level B.)
English Grammatical Structure - Learn the rules of English grammar and how to effectively break them in ways that make your writing pop!
Minimum enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Meets for 90 minutes,
once a week,
for 24 weeks.
Includes all materials.
*graded tests & assignments*
Tuesdays 2:30PM-4PM
$475 (payable over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $50 discount!)
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Modern Literature
and Thought
(11th-12th Suggested)
Dr. Brian Melton
Ever wonder why the world around is the way it is and how it got to be that way? MLT looks at the history and the ideas that have transformed the West—particularly the United States and Europe—from Christendom through the centuries into a place where Critical Theory and other Neo-Marxist theories are dominant. This is class is a combination of history, philosophy, literature, and apologetics with a focus on equipping students to better take a stand against the insanity of the larger culture, especially the ideologies they will encounter in university study.
This class has high reading and discussion expectations.
Minimum number of students: 8
Maximum number of students: 24
Class meets for 90 minutes,
twice per week,
for 30 weeks.
*graded tests & assignments*
T/TH 8-9:30AM
$855 (payable over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $100 discount!)
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Purple Cycle Science
Mrs. Kami Melton
Purple Cycle Science covers a broad range of scientific concepts involving the structure of the Earth and those things residing upon it. We will dig into Earth Science, blast into Astronomy, and take a look into Botany and Biology including the classification of living things.
Topically identical, but more in depth than Blue Cycle, Purple Cycle Science for Middle-School aged Science students will begin to design and conduct their own experiments using the scientific method.
Meets 60 minutes
once a week for 24 weeks.
Includes all materials.
*graded tests & assignments*
Thursdays 3PM-4PM
$580 (payable over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $70 discount!)
Lower Grades

Blue Cycle Memory
(geared for K-5th)
Mrs. Kami Melton
Did you know that the more physically active we are, the better our memory becomes?
Arkwright's proprietary memory curriculum incorporates song and movement for easy memorization of facts in History, Science, Math, Music and Musicians, Bible, Latin, Art and Artists, Grammar,
and Geography for the whole family.
We cover the whole shebang!
Students (and parents!) have the opportunity during Exam Celebration Week to earn the prized
Guardian of Knowledge Award.
Ask how to easily turn this into the basis of your family's curriculum for the year!
Meets once a week,
for 90 minutes,
for 30 weeks.
Includes all materials.
No graded assignments.
Tuesdays 9AM-10:30AM
$695/1 student
(payable as $69.50/$89.50
over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $100 discount!)
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Medieval History Focus
Mrs. Kami Melton
English Composition - Learn the art and joy of playing with words to connect with your audience in a way that is clear and winsome. Practice the art of writing witty stories.
(Institute for Excellence in Writing's
Structure and Style Level A.) Poetry memorization will develop vocabulary and nuanced use of linguistic rhythm and expression.
English Grammar - Learn the basics of English Grammar to construct elaborate sentences with clarity.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Meets once a week,
for 90 minutes,
for 24 weeks.
Includes all books and materials.
No graded assignments.
Tuesdays 12:30PM-2PM
$475 (payable as $47.50/mo.
over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $50 discount!)
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Science Experiments
Mrs. Kami Melton
Throughout Blue Cycle, we turn our hands to the basics of Botany, Zoology, Astronomy, and Space. Theorists participate in science challenges and demonstrations, learn about scientists and their discoveries, and conduct science experiments using the
scientific method. Weekly topics correspond to what is being learned in the Blue Cycle Memory class.
Meets once a week,
for 60 minutes,
for 24 weeks.
Includes all materials.
No graded assignments..
Thursdays 12:30PM-1:30PM
$475/1 student
$650 per family
(payable as $47.50/$65 per mo.
over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $40 discount!)
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Math Games
Mrs. Kami Melton
Wear your sneakers and get active with your friends to solidify those math facts!
Relay races, dice games, and card games lend some fun competition to what is usually rote repetition.
Maximum number students: 24
Meets once per week,
for 45 minutes,
for 20 weeks
Mondays 1PM-1:45PM
$310 (can be payable as $31/mo.
over 10 months)
(Sign up with a friend, and you both receive a one time $20 discount - applies to family members, too!)