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Kinet!cs Club

No sign-up, just show up!

Wear your Arkwright T-Shirt so you can connect with others!

2nd & 4th Fridays,


More to come!

Rock Climbing

Treadstone Climbing in Columbus, GA offers homeschoolers (that's us!) a special deal each 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. $10/student for an afternoon of climbing at their excellent, family-friendly facility. The price includes all equipment and basic instruction on how to use it. Rock climbing is a full-body workout that can help build strength and endurance, and tone muscles from head to toe. Transportation from Ellaville available for a limited number.



More to come!



More to come!



Girls Soccer Team with Coach
Homeschool Soccer (2).jpg

Info Meetings:
Aug 20 & 21, 2PM
Pemo's Kairos Coffee
Ellaville, GA


©2025 by Arkwright Education Solutions, LLC

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